Publications and Patents
We believe in good science, open to everyone. For this reason, most of our research projects are published on peer-reviewed, high-impacting journals.
Some of our innovations are also patented, because we care of protecting the Intellectual Property (IP) of our researchers.
International Conference Global Forest and Tree Restoration |
Pirrò, S., Matic, I., Colizzi, V., & Galgani, A. (2021). The microRNA analysis portal is a next-generation tool for exploring and analyzing miRNA-focused data in the literature. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-12. | |
Minutolo, A., Potestà, M., Roglia, V., Cirilli, M., Iacovelli, F., Cerva, C., … & Montesano, C. (2020). Plant microRNAs from Moringa oleifera regulate immune response and HIV infection. Frontiers in pharmacology, 11. | |
Potestà, M., Roglia, V., Fanelli, M., Pietrobono, E., Gismondi, A., Vumbaca, S., … & Montesano, C. (2020). Effect of microvesicles from Moringa oleifera containing miRNA on proliferation and apoptosis in tumor cell lines. Cell death discovery, 6(1), 1-17. | |
Pirrò, S., Matic, I., Guidi, A., Zanella, L., Gismondi, A., Cicconi, R., … & Galgani, A. (2019). Identification of microRNAs and relative target genes in Moringa oleifera leaf and callus. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-1 | |
Matic I, Guidi A, Kenzo M, Galgani A, & Mattei M (2018). Investigation of medicinal plants traditionally used as dietary supplements: a review on Moringa oleifera. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH IN AFRICA, vol. 9, p. 191-199, ISSN: 2038-9930, doi: 10.4081/jphia.2018.841 | |
Minutolo, A., Potestà, M., Gismondi, A., Pirrò, S., Cirilli, M., Gattabria, F., … & Muleo, R. (2018). Olea europaea small RNA with functional homology to human miR34a in cross-kingdom interaction of anti-tumoral response. Scientific reports, 8(1), 12413 | |
Pirrò, S., Zanella, L., Kenzo, M., Montesano, C., Minutolo, A., Potestà, M., Sobze, M.S., Canini, A., Cirilli, M., Muleo, R., et al. (2016). MicroRNA from Moringa oleifera: Identification by High Throughput Sequencing and Their Potential Contribution to Plant Medicinal Value. PloS One 11, e0149495 | |
Pirrò, S., Minutolo, A., Galgani, A., Potestà, M., Colizzi, V., and Montesano, C. (2016). Bioinformatics prediction and experimental validation of microRNAs involved in cross-kingdom interaction. J. Comput. Biol. 976-988 | |
Sagnia, B., Fedeli, D., Casetti, R., Montesano, C., Falcioni, G., and Colizzi, V. (2014). Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of extracts from Cassia alata, Eleusine indica, Eremomastax speciosa, Carica papaya and Polyscias fulva medicinal plants collected in Cameroon. PloS One 9, e103999 | |
Gismondi, A., Canuti, L., Impei, S., Di Marco, G., Kenzo, M., Colizzi, V., and Canini, A. (2013). Antioxidant extracts of African medicinal plants induce cell cycle arrest and differentiation in B16F10 melanoma cells. Int. J. Oncol. 43, 956–964 |