Publications and Patents

We believe in good science, open to everyone. For this reason, most of our research projects are published on peer-reviewed, high-impacting journals

Some of our innovations are also patented, because we care of protecting the Intellectual Property (IP) of our researchers.


EP3216869A1 – Nutraceutical plant derived microrna elements for treatment of cancer


International Conference Global Forest and Tree Restoration


Pirrò, S., Matic, I., Colizzi, V., & Galgani, A. (2021). The microRNA analysis portal is a next-generation tool for exploring and analyzing miRNA-focused data in the literature. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-12.

Minutolo, A., Potestà, M., Roglia, V., Cirilli, M., Iacovelli, F., Cerva, C., … & Montesano, C. (2020). Plant microRNAs from Moringa oleifera regulate immune response and HIV infection. Frontiers in pharmacology, 11.

Potestà, M., Roglia, V., Fanelli, M., Pietrobono, E., Gismondi, A., Vumbaca, S., … & Montesano, C. (2020). Effect of microvesicles from Moringa oleifera containing miRNA on proliferation and apoptosis in tumor cell lines. Cell death discovery, 6(1), 1-17.

Pirrò, S., Matic, I., Guidi, A., Zanella, L., Gismondi, A., Cicconi, R., … & Galgani, A. (2019). Identification of microRNAs and relative target genes in Moringa oleifera leaf and callus. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-1

Matic I, Guidi A, Kenzo M, Galgani A, & Mattei M (2018). Investigation of medicinal plants traditionally used as dietary supplements: a review on Moringa oleifera. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH IN AFRICA, vol. 9, p. 191-199, ISSN: 2038-9930, doi: 10.4081/jphia.2018.841

Minutolo, A., Potestà, M., Gismondi, A., Pirrò, S., Cirilli, M., Gattabria, F., … & Muleo, R. (2018). Olea europaea small RNA with functional homology to human miR34a in cross-kingdom interaction of anti-tumoral response. Scientific reports, 8(1), 12413

Pirrò, S., Zanella, L., Kenzo, M., Montesano, C., Minutolo, A., Potestà, M., Sobze, M.S., Canini, A., Cirilli, M., Muleo, R., et al. (2016). MicroRNA from Moringa oleifera: Identification by High Throughput Sequencing and Their Potential Contribution to Plant Medicinal Value. PloS One 11, e0149495

Pirrò, S., Minutolo, A., Galgani, A., Potestà, M., Colizzi, V., and Montesano, C. (2016). Bioinformatics prediction and experimental validation of microRNAs involved in cross-kingdom interaction. J. Comput. Biol.  976-988

Sagnia, B., Fedeli, D., Casetti, R., Montesano, C., Falcioni, G., and Colizzi, V. (2014). Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of extracts from Cassia alata, Eleusine indica, Eremomastax speciosa, Carica papaya and Polyscias fulva medicinal plants collected in Cameroon. PloS One 9, e103999

Gismondi, A., Canuti, L., Impei, S., Di Marco, G., Kenzo, M., Colizzi, V., and Canini, A. (2013). Antioxidant extracts of African medicinal plants induce cell cycle arrest and differentiation in B16F10 melanoma cells. Int. J. Oncol. 43, 956–964